1 Peter 1:6-9

True faith is based on Scripture. True faith embraces its eternal principles. Genuine belief knows God is who God says He is. Genuine trust means God will do everything He’s promised. Such faith is worth sharing with others. This can be done in several ways.

We can verbally explain our beliefs on faith. We can also model a godly lifestyle. This is often a more effective way of influencing people for Christ. Spend time talking and listening about the ways God has worked in various situations in someone’s life. Now imagine what God could do in your life.

Prayer can have a profound influence on someone’s life. In those quiet moments, we learn to trust God when things look impossible. We also discover God is faithful. We can count on Him.

Consistency and perseverance are two other important parts of passing on our faith. Children look to see if we mean what we say. They want to see if we’ll still rely on God when trouble comes. We can use our trials to demonstrate how a godly person responds. As we live out our faith in a visible way, we pass on something far more valuable than gold or silver.