A great message about God’s love for us and self esteem.


Beautiful sea landscapeIn life we can struggle with insecurity. We can worry that we don’t measure up or that we don’t fit in. The truth is if we feel our worth lies in another person’s opinion then it will always be on shaky ground.

As we come to see ourselves through God’s eyes we will see that we are intrinsically valuable. God created us for the purpose of love. He made us in His own image for relationship, so that we could be His children forever.

As we come into this divine relationship through accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can rest in Him. We didn’t do anything to earn this right standing with God, and we don’t have to do anything to keep it. We just simply trust and believer in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.

The more we catch a glimpse of God’s massive…

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