Hebrews 2:1-4

Without an anchor, a “parked” boat will drift. In a similar way, unless we are anchored in the Word, we can easily slip away from a close relationship with God. The unsecured vessel may float quickly to a new location, whereas a spiritual change can occur slowly and without our knowledge.
Such “slippage” is often gradual. It’s easy to adjust to each slight shift and become accustomed to a growing, superficial Christian walk. Spiritual drifting usually indicates living outside of God’s will. Many choices can lead to this situation. Neglecting prayer, Scripture, or corporate worship can affect one’s spiritual journey. Unless life goals align with biblical principles, a believer can easily be enticed by materialism, selfishness, power, or other worldly values that won’t satisfy. Continual sin will push a person away from God. Confusion about beliefs can lead to discouragement, doubts, and straying from the Lord.
Being adrift over time can produce devastating results. Christians may eventually lose interest in the things of God. Excitement over spiritual truths might diminish. Obeying biblical commands may seem less important. Then their hearts, which were once obedient, can lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, They’ll miss God’s best for their life. Worst of all, their waywardness will grieve the Father.
The Lord graciously offers forgiveness and open arms to those who repent. Are you keeping yourself firmly grounded in His truth?