New Testament theology is what God has revealed about Himself in the New  Testament. The system of New Testament theology takes the various truths that  the New Testament books teach us about God and presents them in an organized  fashion. The New Testament discloses the coming of the predicted Messiah in the  Old Testament (Isaiah 9), the birth of the New Testament Church (the body of  Christ), the Church age, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the rejection of the  Messiah by Israel, and the doctrinal beliefs applied to the believer in Jesus  Christ as Savior and Lord.

The phrase “New Covenant (Testament)” was  spoken by Christ at the Last Supper, and is claimed by Paul as the substance of  the ministry to which he was called. He preached the Good News, the Gospel of  Jesus Christ for salvation. New Testament doctrines were primarily for believers  to be instructed and learn how to live lives that would be pleasing to Father  God. The Old Testament deals with the record of the calling and history of the  Jewish nation, and as such it is the Old Covenant. The New Testament deals with  the history and application of the redemption provided by the Lord Jesus Christ  on the Cross, and, as the New Covenant, it supersedes the Old.

The  application of theology to the New Testament is the same as that of the Old  Testament. It is the study of the progressive revelation that God gave through  the New Testament writers. The study of the major doctrines of the Bible makes  up a systematic theology for the believer, following the progressive revelations  that God made to man from the beginning to the end of the prophetic book of  Revelation. Again, theology is the gathering of facts concerning God and His Son  Jesus Christ and the work of God the Holy Spirit in all the historical, present,  and future events spoken of in the Bible.