The Prophet Elijah is one of the most interesting and colorful of all  biblical characters, yet his life was so filled with turmoil that today we might  say he was up one day and down the next. Because Elijah was at times bold and  decisive and at other times fearful and tentative, we have much to learn from  him. In the narratives in which Elijah is the central character, we find  principles that demonstrate the victory in the life of a believer as well as  defeat and recovery. There are ways in which Elijah demonstrated the power of  God and an instance where he plumbed the depths of depression.

Elijah, a  prophet of God whose name means, “my God is Jehovah,” came from Tishbeh in  Gilead, but nothing is known of his family or birth. We first see Elijah in 1 Kings 17:1 where he  suddenly appears to challenge Ahab, an evil king who ruled the Northern Kingdom  from 874 to 853 B.C. Elijah prophesies a drought to come upon the whole land as  consequence for Ahab’s evil choices (1 Kings  17:1-7). Warned by God, Elijah hides near the brook of Cherith where he is  fed by ravens. As the drought and famine in the land deepen, Elijah meets with a  widow, and through her obedience to Elijah’s request, God provides food enough  for Elijah, the woman and her son. Miraculously, her barrel of flour and jar of  oil never run out (1 Kings  17:8-16). The lesson for the believer is that, if we walk in fellowship with  the LORD and obey Him, we will be open to His will, and when we are in God’s  will, He fulfills all of our needs and His mercy to us never runs short.

We next see Elijah as the central character in a face-off with the prophets of  the false god Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings  18:17-40). The prophets of Baal call upon their god all day long to rain  fire from heaven to no avail. Then Elijah builds an altar of stones, digs a  ditch around it, puts the sacrifice on the top of wood and calls for water to be  poured over his sacrifice three times. Elijah calls upon God, and God sends fire  down from heaven, burns the sacrifice, the wood, and the stones and licks up the  water in the ditch. God proved He was more powerful than false gods. It was then  that Elijah and the people kill all of the false prophets of Baal. Such  supernatural evidences of God’s power are not seen today. However, we have  access to the same power as God’s Word works through us and demonstrates the  power of His Spirit in our lives (2  Corinthians 4:7). Elijah is an illustration that it is not the vessel but  God in the vessel that demonstrates power.

After the great victory over  the false prophets, rain once again falls on the land (1 Kings 18:41-46).  However, in spite of victory and provisions from the LORD that he receives,  Elijah enters a period of wavering faith and depression (1 Kings 19:1-18).  Hearing that Ahab’s wife Jezebel has made a vow to kill him, Elijah feels sorry  for himself, hides in a cave, and even comes to believe that he alone was left  of the prophets of God. He got his eyes off of God and onto the details. It is  then that the LORD instructs Elijah to stand on the mountain as the LORD passed  by. There is a great wind, an earthquake, and then fire, but God is not in any  of those. Then comes a still, small voice in which Elijah hears God and  understands Him. When Elijah stopped focusing on the fear of what men could do  and his feelings of being alone, God’s voice was heard, and Elijah went on to be  taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kings  2:1-11).

Just as for Elijah, when the believer focuses on the noise  and the tumult of life in this world, we may get our eyes off of the LORD.  However, if we listen for His still, small voice and walk in obedience to His  Word, we find victory and reward. Each biblical character we study has a lesson  for us to use in our walk as believers. Elijah was filled with human frailties  yet was used mightily of God.